Adam Accepts the OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty Award
Adam is at the ACS meeting accepting the OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty Award!
Hydrogen Bond Defects Paper
Our paper showing that hydrogen bond defects contribute significantly to water's interfacial dielectric properties has been published in J. Phys. Chem. Lett.! link
Adam’s Promotion to Associate Professor Without Tenure
Adam has been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor Without Tenure (AWOT)! See the announcement here.
Songela Joins the Group
Welcome to the group our new undergraduate researcher, Songela Chen. Songela will be studying the effects of spatial heterogeneity on the dynamics of ions in polymeric systems.
Di-Block Co-Polymer Paper
Our latest paper with the Johnson group, studying the effects of monomer chirality on the structure of di-block co-polymers has been published in JACS! Read the paper here.
Interfacial Orientational Structure of Water Paper
Our paper titled “Characterizing Hydration Properties Based on the Orientational Structure of Interfacial Water Molecules” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. Read the paper here.
Interfacial Exciton Dissociation Paper
Our ACS Central Science paper, The Enhancement of Interfacial Exciton Dissociation by Energetic Disorder Is a Nonequilibrium Effect, is now available online.
Earlier Updates
Here are updates from prior to 2018! November 2017: Welcome to the group our newest graduate students Kyaw Myint and Yizhi Shen! November 2017: Our paper describing the role of energetic disorder in the dissociation of charge transfer states has been accepted for publication in ACS Central Science. November 2017: Our paper with the Bawendi…